Wednesday, March 13, 2013


This is a 6x6" oil painting on masonite hardboard panel. This is a painting of a lamb. NFS

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Cherry Danish II

This is a 5x7" oil painting of a cherry danish that I bought from Linne's Bakery in Shelbyville, IN. Sold.

Cherry Danish I

This is a 6x6" oil painting of a cherry danish that I bought at Linne's Bakery in Shelbyville, IN. Sold.

Cream Cheese Danish

This is a 6x6" oil painting of a cream cheese danish that I bough at Linne's Bakery in Shelbyville, IN. To bid or see price on ebay click HERE . Sold.

Honey Bun

This is a 6x6" oil painting of a honey bun that I bought at Linne's Bakery in Shelbyville. Here is an ebay link to bid or see price. Click HERE. Sold.

"The Best Part of Waking Up"

This is a 6x6" oil painting of my dad's morning cup of coffee. NFS.